Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions. Hopefully you will find your answer, otherwise you can contact us at the following number: 1-844-421-2040.

Question 1

Can I have my vehicle repaired in the repair garage of my choice?


We advise you to call 1 844 421-2040 so that we can direct you to our network of repair garages.

Question 2

Do I have to keep proof of maintenance of my vehicle?


It is essential to keep your proof of maintenance according to the manufacturer’s maintenance standards in order to ensure the validity of your guarantee.

Question 3

How may I transfer my Extended Warranty to the new owner?

Very simple.

Simply call 1 844 421-2040 to obtain the form and follow the instructions on the form.

Question 4

How can I reach Garantie AutoRoute for information?

You can reach us during business hours and speak to a manager for answers to your questions.

Question 5

How can I get a courtesy vehicle covered by my protection plan?

By disbursing an amount of $ ___ / day, up to __________

Question 6

How does roadside assistance work?

As soon as a mechanical problem arises, call us immediately at the following number: 1-844-421-2040.
We will then guide you through the steps.